All PCs with particular application last used date 2
All Software applications required deployments status within 30 days 2
All Software applications available deployments status within 30 days 3
All Software applications simulate deployments status within 30 days 3
All Software applications required deployments status within 5 days 5
All Software applications deployments status within 30 days 5
All Deployments status for Specific Application 7
Deployment Detailed status for specific application with specific collection 8
Deployment Detailed status for specific application 10
All Applications Deployments Status for Specific Computers 12
Deployments status for specific applications 12
All Application Installed on Specific Collection 13
All Software applications deployments status 15
All PCs with particular application last used date
Declare @Monthold int
set @Monthold = 2
SELECT DISTINCT SYS.Netbios_Name0 as Name,
SF.FileName, SF.FileDescription, SF.FileVersion, SF.FileSize, SF.FileModifiedDate, SF.FilePath, max(apps.LastUsedTime0) as LastUsedTime,
SYS.User_Name0 as Login,
CSYS.Manufacturer0 as Manufacturer, CSYS.Model0 as Model, BIOS.SerialNumber0 as SN,
MAX(IPSub.IP_Subnets0) as ‘Subnet’, sys.AD_Site_Name0 as ADSite, MAX(SYSOU.System_OU_Name0) as ‘OU’
FROM v_GS_SoftwareFile SF
join v_R_System SYS on SYS.ResourceID = SF.ResourceID
LEFT JOIN v_RA_System_IPSubnets IPSub on SYS.ResourceID = IPSub.ResourceID
LEFT JOIN v_RA_System_SystemOUName SYSOU on SYS.ResourceID=SYSOU.ResourceID
LEFT JOIN v_R_User USR on SYS.User_Name0 = USR.User_Name0
LEFT JOIN v_FullCollectionMembership FCM on SYS.ResourceID = FCM.ResourceID
LEFT JOIN (select * from v_GS_CCM_RECENTLY_USED_APPS where ExplorerFileName0 = ‘notepad.exe’) APPS on SYS.ResourceID = APPS.ResourceID
Where SF.FileName LIKE ‘notepad.exe’
GROUP BY SYS.Netbios_Name0, –apps.LastUsedTime0,
SF.FileName, SF.FileDescription, SF.FileVersion, SF.FileSize, SF.FileModifiedDate, SF.FilePath,
SYS.User_Name0, CSYS.Manufacturer0, CSYS.Model0, BIOS.SerialNumber0,
HAVING max(apps.LastUsedTime0) < dateadd(month, -(@Monthold), dateadd(day,0,datediff(day,0,getdate()))) OR max(apps.LastUsedTime0) IS NULL
ORDER BY SYS.Netbios_Name0
All Software applications required deployments status within 30 days
Declare @SoftwareAppDeploymentsReportNeededDays as integer
Set @SoftwareAppDeploymentsReportNeededDays = 30 –Specify the Days
Vaa.AssignmentName as ‘DeploymentName’,
Right(Ds.CollectionName,3) as ‘Stage’,
Vaa.ApplicationName as ‘ApplicationName’,
CASE when Vaa.DesiredConfigType = 1 Then ‘Install’ when vaa.DesiredConfigType = 2 Then ‘Uninstall’ Else ‘Others’ End as ‘DepType’,
Ds.CollectionName as ‘CollectionName’,
CASE when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 1 Then ‘Required’ when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 2 Then ‘Available’ End as ‘Purpose’,
Ds.DeploymentTime as ‘AvailableTime’,
Ds.EnforcementDeadline as ‘RequiredTime’,
Ds.NumberTotal as ‘Target’,
Ds.NumberSuccess as ‘Success’,
Ds.NumberInProgress as ‘Progress’,
Ds.NumberErrors as ‘Errors’,
Ds.NumberOther as ‘ReqNotMet’,
Ds.NumberUnknown as ‘Unknown’,
case when (Ds.NumberTotal = 0) or (Ds.NumberTotal is null) Then ‘100’ Else (round( (Ds.NumberSuccess + Ds.NumberOther) / convert (float,Ds.NumberTotal)*100,2)) End as ‘Success%’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.DeploymentTime, GetDate()) as ‘AvailableDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.EnforcementDeadline, GetDate()) as ‘RequiredDays’
from v_DeploymentSummary Ds
left join v_ApplicationAssignment Vaa on Ds.AssignmentID = Vaa.AssignmentID
Where Ds.FeatureType = 1 and Ds.DeploymentIntent = 1
and Ds.CreationTime > GETDATE()-@SoftwareAppDeploymentsReportNeededDays
order by Ds.DeploymentTime desc
All Software applications available deployments status within 30 days
Declare @SoftwareAppDeploymentsReportNeededDays as integer
Set @SoftwareAppDeploymentsReportNeededDays = 30 –Specify the Days
Vaa.AssignmentName as ‘DeploymentName’,
Right(Ds.CollectionName,3) as ‘Stage’,
Vaa.ApplicationName as ‘ApplicationName’,
CASE when Vaa.DesiredConfigType = 1 Then ‘Install’ when vaa.DesiredConfigType = 2 Then ‘Uninstall’ Else ‘Others’ End as ‘DepType’,
Ds.CollectionName as ‘CollectionName’,
CASE when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 1 Then ‘Required’ when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 2 Then ‘Available’ End as ‘Purpose’,
Ds.DeploymentTime as ‘AvailableTime’,
Ds.EnforcementDeadline as ‘RequiredTime’,
Ds.NumberTotal as ‘Target’,
Ds.NumberSuccess as ‘Success’,
Ds.NumberInProgress as ‘Progress’,
Ds.NumberErrors as ‘Errors’,
Ds.NumberOther as ‘ReqNotMet’,
Ds.NumberUnknown as ‘Unknown’,
case when (Ds.NumberTotal = 0) or (Ds.NumberTotal is null) Then ‘100’ Else (round( (Ds.NumberSuccess + Ds.NumberOther) / convert (float,Ds.NumberTotal)*100,2)) End as ‘Success%’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.DeploymentTime, GetDate()) as ‘AvailableDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.EnforcementDeadline, GetDate()) as ‘RequiredDays’
from v_DeploymentSummary Ds
left join v_ApplicationAssignment Vaa on Ds.AssignmentID = Vaa.AssignmentID
Where Ds.FeatureType = 1 and Ds.DeploymentIntent = 2
and Ds.CreationTime > GETDATE()-@SoftwareAppDeploymentsReportNeededDays
order by Ds.DeploymentTime desc
All Software applications simulate deployments status within 30 days
Declare @SoftwareAppDeploymentsReportNeededDays as integer
Set @SoftwareAppDeploymentsReportNeededDays = 30 –Specify the Days
Vaa.AssignmentName as ‘DeploymentName’,
Right(Ds.CollectionName,3) as ‘Stage’,
Vaa.ApplicationName as ‘ApplicationName’,
CASE when Vaa.DesiredConfigType = 1 Then ‘Install’ when vaa.DesiredConfigType = 2 Then ‘Uninstall’ Else ‘Others’ End as ‘DepType’,
Ds.CollectionName as ‘CollectionName’,
CASE when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 1 Then ‘Required’ when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 2 Then ‘Available’ when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 3 Then ‘Simulate’ End as ‘Purpose’,
Ds.DeploymentTime as ‘AvailableTime’,
Ds.EnforcementDeadline as ‘RequiredTime’,
Ds.NumberTotal as ‘Target’,
Ds.NumberSuccess as ‘Success’,
Ds.NumberInProgress as ‘Progress’,
Ds.NumberErrors as ‘Errors’,
Ds.NumberOther as ‘ReqNotMet’,
Ds.NumberUnknown as ‘Unknown’,
case when (Ds.NumberTotal = 0) or (Ds.NumberTotal is null) Then ‘100’ Else (round( (Ds.NumberSuccess + Ds.NumberOther) / convert (float,Ds.NumberTotal)*100,2)) End as ‘Success%’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.DeploymentTime, GetDate()) as ‘AvailableDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.EnforcementDeadline, GetDate()) as ‘RequiredDays’
from v_DeploymentSummary Ds
left join v_ApplicationAssignment Vaa on Ds.AssignmentID = Vaa.AssignmentID
Where Ds.FeatureType = 1 and Ds.DeploymentIntent = 3
and Ds.CreationTime > GETDATE()-@SoftwareAppDeploymentsReportNeededDays
order by Ds.DeploymentTime desc
All Software applications required deployments status within 5 days
Declare @CurrentDeploymentsReportNeededDays as integer
Set @CurrentDeploymentsReportNeededDays = 5 –Specify the Days
CONVERT(VARCHAR(11),GETDATE(),106) as ‘Date’,
Right(Ds.CollectionName,3) as ‘Stage’,
Vaa.ApplicationName as ‘ApplicationName’,
CASE when Vaa.DesiredConfigType = 1 Then ‘Install’ when vaa.DesiredConfigType = 2 Then ‘Uninstall’ Else ‘Others’ End as ‘DepType’,
Ds.CollectionName as ‘CollectionName’,
CASE when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 1 Then ‘Required’ when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 2 Then ‘Available’ End as ‘Purpose’,
Ds.DeploymentTime as ‘AvailableTime’,
Ds.EnforcementDeadline as ‘RequiredTime’,
Ds.NumberTotal as ‘Target’,
Ds.NumberSuccess as ‘Success’,
Ds.NumberInProgress as ‘Progress’,
Ds.NumberErrors as ‘Errors’,
Ds.NumberOther as ‘ReqNotMet’,
Ds.NumberUnknown as ‘Unknown’,
case when (Ds.NumberTotal = 0) or (Ds.NumberTotal is null) Then ‘100’ Else (round( (Ds.NumberSuccess + Ds.NumberOther) / convert (float,Ds.NumberTotal)*100,2)) End as ‘Success%’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.EnforcementDeadline, GetDate()) as ‘ReqDays’
from v_DeploymentSummary Ds
left join v_ApplicationAssignment Vaa on Ds.AssignmentID = Vaa.AssignmentID
Where Ds.FeatureType = 1 and Ds.DeploymentIntent = 1
and DateDiff(D,Ds.EnforcementDeadline, GetDate()) between 0 and @CurrentDeploymentsReportNeededDays
and Ds.NumberTotal > 0
order by Ds.EnforcementDeadline desc
All Software applications deployments status within 30 days
Declare @AppDeploymentsReportNeededDays as integer
Set @AppDeploymentsReportNeededDays = 30 –Specify the Days
Vaa.AssignmentName as ‘DeploymentName’,
Right(Ds.CollectionName,3) as ‘Stage’,
Vaa.ApplicationName as ‘ApplicationName’,
CASE when Vaa.DesiredConfigType = 1 Then ‘Install’ when vaa.DesiredConfigType = 2 Then ‘Uninstall’ Else ‘Others’ End as ‘DepType’,
Ds.CollectionName as ‘CollectionName’,
CASE when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 1 Then ‘Required’ when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 2 Then ‘Available’ when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 3 Then ‘Simulate’ End as ‘Purpose’,
Ds.DeploymentTime as ‘AvailableTime’,
Ds.EnforcementDeadline as ‘RequiredTime’,
Ds.NumberTotal as ‘Target’,
Ds.NumberSuccess as ‘Success’,
Ds.NumberInProgress as ‘Progress’,
Ds.NumberErrors as ‘Errors’,
Ds.NumberOther as ‘ReqNotMet’,
Ds.NumberUnknown as ‘Unknown’,
case when (Ds.NumberTotal = 0) or (Ds.NumberTotal is null) Then ‘100’ Else (round( (Ds.NumberSuccess + Ds.NumberOther) / convert (float,Ds.NumberTotal)*100,2)) End as ‘Success%’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.DeploymentTime, GetDate()) as ‘AvailableDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.EnforcementDeadline, GetDate()) as ‘RequiredDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.CreationTime, GetDate()) as ‘CreatedDays’,
Vaa.CreationTime as ‘CreationTime’,
Vaa.LastModificationTime as ‘LastModifiedTime’,
Vaa.LastModifiedBy as ‘LastModifiedBy’
from v_DeploymentSummary Ds
left join v_ApplicationAssignment Vaa on Ds.AssignmentID = Vaa.AssignmentID
Where Ds.FeatureType = 1
and Ds.CreationTime > GETDATE()-@AppDeploymentsReportNeededDays
order by Ds.DeploymentTime desc
All Deployments status for Specific Application
Declare @ApplicationName as Varchar(255)
Set @ApplicationName = ‘Adobe DIO Illustrator Extension’ –Specify Application Name
Vaa.AssignmentName as ‘DeploymentName’,
Right(Ds.CollectionName,3) as ‘Stage’,
Vaa.ApplicationName as ‘ApplicationName’,
CASE when Vaa.DesiredConfigType = 1 Then ‘Install’ when vaa.DesiredConfigType = 2 Then ‘Uninstall’ Else ‘Others’ End as ‘DepType’,
Ds.CollectionName as ‘CollectionName’,
CASE when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 1 Then ‘Required’ when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 2 Then ‘Available’ when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 3 Then ‘Simulate’ End as ‘Purpose’,
Ds.DeploymentTime as ‘AvailableTime’,
Ds.EnforcementDeadline as ‘RequiredTime’,
Ds.NumberTotal as ‘Target’,
Ds.NumberSuccess as ‘Success’,
Ds.NumberInProgress as ‘Progress’,
Ds.NumberErrors as ‘Errors’,
Ds.NumberOther as ‘ReqNotMet’,
Ds.NumberUnknown as ‘Unknown’,
case when (Ds.NumberTotal = 0) or (Ds.NumberTotal is null) Then ‘100’ Else (round( (Ds.NumberSuccess + Ds.NumberOther) / convert (float,Ds.NumberTotal)*100,2)) End as ‘Success%’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.DeploymentTime, GetDate()) as ‘AvailableDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.EnforcementDeadline, GetDate()) as ‘RequiredDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.CreationTime, GetDate()) as ‘CreatedDays’,
Vaa.CreationTime as ‘CreationTime’,
Vaa.LastModificationTime as ‘LastModifiedTime’,
Vaa.LastModifiedBy as ‘LastModifiedBy’
from v_DeploymentSummary Ds
left join v_ApplicationAssignment Vaa on Ds.AssignmentID = Vaa.AssignmentID
Where Ds.FeatureType = 1
and Vaa.ApplicationName = @ApplicationName
order by Ds.DeploymentTime desc
Deployment Detailed status for specific application with specific collection
Declare @ApplicationName as Varchar(255)
Declare @CollectionName as Varchar(255)
Set @ApplicationName = ‘Adobe Creative-Cloud Design-Standard 2015 (64-bit)’ — Specify Application name
Set @CollectionName = ‘%Adobe Creative-Cloud Design-Standard 2015%’ — Specify Application name
aa.ApplicationName as ‘Application Name’,
aa.CollectionName as ‘Target Collection’,
ae.descript as ‘DeploymentTypeName’,
s1.netbios_name0 as ‘ComputerName’,
s1.AD_Site_Name0 as ‘ADSiteName’,
case when ae.AppEnforcementState = 1000 then ‘Success’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 1001 then ‘Already Compliant’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 1002 then ‘Simulate Success’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2000 then ‘In Progress’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2001 then ‘Waiting for Content’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2002 then ‘Installing’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2003 then ‘Restart to Continue’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2004 then ‘Waiting for maintenance window’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2005 then ‘Waiting for schedule’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2006 then ‘Downloading dependent content’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2007 then ‘Installing dependent content’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2008 then ‘Restart to complete’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2009 then ‘Content downloaded’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2010 then ‘Waiting for update’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2011 then ‘Waiting for user session reconnect’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2012 then ‘Waiting for user logoff’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2013 then ‘Waiting for user logon’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2014 then ‘Waiting to install’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2015 then ‘Waiting retry’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2016 then ‘Waiting for presentation mode’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2017 then ‘Waiting for Orchestration’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2018 then ‘Waiting for network’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2019 then ‘Pending App-V Virtual Environment’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2020 then ‘Updating App-V Virtual Environment’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 3000 then ‘Requirements not met’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 3001 then ‘Host platform not applicable’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 4000 then ‘Unknown’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5000 then ‘Deployment failed’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5001 then ‘Evaluation failed’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5002 then ‘Deployment failed’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5003 then ‘Failed to locate content’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5004 then ‘Dependency installation failed’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5005 then ‘Failed to download dependent content’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5006 then ‘Conflicts with another application deployment’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5007 then ‘Waiting retry’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5008 then ‘Failed to uninstall superseded deployment type’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5009 then ‘Failed to download superseded deployment type’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5010 then ‘Failed to updating App-V Virtual Environment’
End as ‘State Message’,
case when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘10%’ then ‘Success’
when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘20%’ then ‘Progress’
when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘30%’ then ‘ReqNotMet’
when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘40%’ then ‘Unknown’
when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘50%’ then ‘Failed’
End as ‘Status’,
LastComplianceMessageTime as ‘LastMessageTime’
from v_R_System_Valid s1
join vAppDTDeploymentResultsPerClient ae on ae.ResourceID = s1.ResourceID
join v_CICurrentComplianceStatus ci2 on ci2.CI_ID = ae.CI_ID AND ci2.ResourceID=s1.ResourceID
join v_ApplicationAssignment aa on ae.AssignmentID = aa.AssignmentID
where ae.AppEnforcementState is not null
and (aa.ApplicationName = @ApplicationName
and aa.CollectionName like @CollectionName)
order by ae.AppEnforcementState, LastComplianceMessageTime Desc
Deployment Detailed status for specific application
Declare @ApplicationName as Varchar(255)
Set @ApplicationName = ‘Adobe Creative-Cloud Design-Standard 2015 (64-bit)’ — Specify Application name
aa.ApplicationName as ‘Application Name’,
aa.CollectionName as ‘Target Collection’,
ae.descript as ‘DeploymentTypeName’,
s1.netbios_name0 as ‘ComputerName’,
s1.AD_Site_Name0 as ‘ADSiteName’,
case when ae.AppEnforcementState = 1000 then ‘Success’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 1001 then ‘Already Compliant’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 1002 then ‘Simulate Success’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2000 then ‘In Progress’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2001 then ‘Waiting for Content’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2002 then ‘Installing’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2003 then ‘Restart to Continue’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2004 then ‘Waiting for maintenance window’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2005 then ‘Waiting for schedule’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2006 then ‘Downloading dependent content’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2007 then ‘Installing dependent content’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2008 then ‘Restart to complete’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2009 then ‘Content downloaded’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2010 then ‘Waiting for update’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2011 then ‘Waiting for user session reconnect’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2012 then ‘Waiting for user logoff’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2013 then ‘Waiting for user logon’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2014 then ‘Waiting to install’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2015 then ‘Waiting retry’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2016 then ‘Waiting for presentation mode’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2017 then ‘Waiting for Orchestration’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2018 then ‘Waiting for network’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2019 then ‘Pending App-V Virtual Environment’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2020 then ‘Updating App-V Virtual Environment’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 3000 then ‘Requirements not met’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 3001 then ‘Host platform not applicable’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 4000 then ‘Unknown’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5000 then ‘Deployment failed’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5001 then ‘Evaluation failed’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5002 then ‘Deployment failed’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5003 then ‘Failed to locate content’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5004 then ‘Dependency installation failed’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5005 then ‘Failed to download dependent content’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5006 then ‘Conflicts with another application deployment’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5007 then ‘Waiting retry’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5008 then ‘Failed to uninstall superseded deployment type’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5009 then ‘Failed to download superseded deployment type’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5010 then ‘Failed to updating App-V Virtual Environment’
End as ‘State Message’,
case when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘10%’ then ‘Success’
when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘20%’ then ‘Progress’
when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘30%’ then ‘ReqNotMet’
when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘40%’ then ‘Unknown’
when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘50%’ then ‘Failed’
End as ‘Status’,
LastComplianceMessageTime as ‘LastMessageTime’
from v_R_System_Valid s1
join vAppDTDeploymentResultsPerClient ae on ae.ResourceID = s1.ResourceID
join v_CICurrentComplianceStatus ci2 on ci2.CI_ID = ae.CI_ID AND ci2.ResourceID=s1.ResourceID
join v_ApplicationAssignment aa on ae.AssignmentID = aa.AssignmentID
where ae.AppEnforcementState is not null
and aa.ApplicationName = @ApplicationName
order by ae.AppEnforcementState, LastComplianceMessageTime Desc
All Applications Deployments Status for Specific Computers
s1.netbios_name0 as ‘ComputerName’,
aa.ApplicationName as ‘ApplicationName’,
‘Application’ as ‘ApplicationType’,
case when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘10%’ then ‘Success’
when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘20%’ then ‘Progress’
when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘30%’ then ‘ReqNotMet’
when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘40%’ then ‘Unknown’
when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘50%’ then ‘Failed’
End as ‘Status’,
LastComplianceMessageTime as ‘LastMessageTime’
from v_R_System_Valid s1
join vAppDTDeploymentResultsPerClient ae on ae.ResourceID = s1.ResourceID
join v_CICurrentComplianceStatus ci2 on ci2.CI_ID = ae.CI_ID AND ci2.ResourceID=s1.ResourceID
join v_ApplicationAssignment aa on ae.AssignmentID = aa.AssignmentID
where ae.AppEnforcementState is not null
and (
s1.netbios_name0 in (‘Client01′,’ Client02′) )
order by ae.AppEnforcementState, LastComplianceMessageTime Desc
Deployments status for specific applications
aa.ApplicationName as ‘Application Name’,
aa.CollectionName as ‘Target Collection’,
ae.descript as ‘DeploymentTypeName’,
s1.netbios_name0 as ‘ComputerName’,
s1.AD_Site_Name0 as ‘ADSiteName’,
case when ae.AppEnforcementState = 1000 then ‘Success’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 1001 then ‘Already Compliant’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 1002 then ‘Simulate Success’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2000 then ‘In Progress’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2001 then ‘Waiting for Content’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2002 then ‘Installing’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2003 then ‘Restart to Continue’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2004 then ‘Waiting for maintenance window’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2005 then ‘Waiting for schedule’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2006 then ‘Downloading dependent content’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2007 then ‘Installing dependent content’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2008 then ‘Restart to complete’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2009 then ‘Content downloaded’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2010 then ‘Waiting for update’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2011 then ‘Waiting for user session reconnect’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2012 then ‘Waiting for user logoff’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2013 then ‘Waiting for user logon’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2014 then ‘Waiting to install’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2015 then ‘Waiting retry’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2016 then ‘Waiting for presentation mode’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2017 then ‘Waiting for Orchestration’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2018 then ‘Waiting for network’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2019 then ‘Pending App-V Virtual Environment’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 2020 then ‘Updating App-V Virtual Environment’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 3000 then ‘Requirements not met’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 3001 then ‘Host platform not applicable’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 4000 then ‘Unknown’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5000 then ‘Deployment failed’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5001 then ‘Evaluation failed’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5002 then ‘Deployment failed’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5003 then ‘Failed to locate content’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5004 then ‘Dependency installation failed’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5005 then ‘Failed to download dependent content’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5006 then ‘Conflicts with another application deployment’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5007 then ‘Waiting retry’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5008 then ‘Failed to uninstall superseded deployment type’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5009 then ‘Failed to download superseded deployment type’
when ae.AppEnforcementState = 5010 then ‘Failed to updating App-V Virtual Environment’
End as ‘State Message’,
case when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘10%’ then ‘Success’
when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘20%’ then ‘Progress’
when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘30%’ then ‘ReqNotMet’
when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘40%’ then ‘Unknown’
when ae.AppEnforcementState like ‘50%’ then ‘Failed’
End as ‘Status’,
LastComplianceMessageTime as ‘LastMessageTime’
from v_R_System_Valid s1
join vAppDTDeploymentResultsPerClient ae on ae.ResourceID = s1.ResourceID
join v_CICurrentComplianceStatus ci2 on ci2.CI_ID = ae.CI_ID AND ci2.ResourceID=s1.ResourceID
join v_ApplicationAssignment aa on ae.AssignmentID = aa.AssignmentID
where ae.AppEnforcementState is not null
and aa.ApplicationName in (‘ApplicationName1’, ‘ApplicationName2’, ‘ApplicationName3’)
order by ae.AppEnforcementState, LastComplianceMessageTime Desc
All Application Installed on Specific Collection
Declare @Collection varchar(8)
Set @Collection = ‘SMS00001’ — specify scope collection ID
Distinct VRS.Name0 as ‘MachineName’,
Os.Caption0 as ‘OperatingSystem’,
St.SystemType00 as ‘OSType’,
VRS.AD_Site_Name0 as ‘ADSite’,
VRS.Full_Domain_Name0 as ‘Domain’,
VRS.User_Name0 as ‘UserName’,
v_R_User.Mail0 as ‘EMailID’,
App.ARPDisplayName0 as ‘DisplayName’,
App.InstallDate0 as ‘InstalledDate’,
App.ProductVersion0 as ‘Version’
from V_R_System VRS
LEFT JOIN Computer_System_DATA St on VRS.ResourceID = st.MachineID
LEFT Join v_FullCollectionMembership as Col on VRS.ResourceID = Col.ResourceID
LEFT JOIN v_R_User on VRS.User_Name0 = v_R_User.User_Name0
Where Col.CollectionID = @Collection
and VRS.Client0 = 1 and VRS.Obsolete0 = 0
order by VRS.Name0, App.ProductVersion0
All Software applications deployments status
Vaa.AssignmentName as ‘DeploymentName’,
Right(Ds.CollectionName,3) as ‘Stage’,
Vaa.ApplicationName as ‘ApplicationName’,
CASE when Vaa.DesiredConfigType = 1 Then ‘Install’ when vaa.DesiredConfigType = 2 Then ‘Uninstall’ Else ‘Others’ End as ‘DepType’,
Ds.CollectionName as ‘CollectionName’,
CASE when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 1 Then ‘Required’ when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 2 Then ‘Available’ when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 3 Then ‘Simulate’ End as ‘Purpose’,
Ds.DeploymentTime as ‘AvailableTime’,
Ds.EnforcementDeadline as ‘RequiredTime’,
Ds.NumberTotal as ‘Target’,
Ds.NumberSuccess as ‘Success’,
Ds.NumberInProgress as ‘Progress’,
Ds.NumberErrors as ‘Errors’,
Ds.NumberOther as ‘ReqNotMet’,
Ds.NumberUnknown as ‘Unknown’,
case when (Ds.NumberTotal = 0) or (Ds.NumberTotal is null) Then ‘100’ Else (round( (Ds.NumberSuccess + Ds.NumberOther) / convert (float,Ds.NumberTotal)*100,2)) End as ‘Success%’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.DeploymentTime, GetDate()) as ‘AvailableDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.EnforcementDeadline, GetDate()) as ‘RequiredDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.CreationTime, GetDate()) as ‘CreatedDays’,
Vaa.CreationTime as ‘CreationTime’,
Vaa.LastModificationTime as ‘LastModifiedTime’,
Vaa.LastModifiedBy as ‘LastModifiedBy’
from v_DeploymentSummary Ds
left join v_ApplicationAssignment Vaa on Ds.AssignmentID = Vaa.AssignmentID
Where Ds.FeatureType = 1
order by Ds.DeploymentTime desc

Expert SCCM
Passionné des solutions Microsoft System Center