All Software updates required deployments status within 30 days 2
All Software updates available deployments status within 30 days 2
All SCCM Server Software Update Sync status 3
All Software updates required deployments status within 5 days 3
All Software updates deployments status within 30 days 4
All Software updates deployments status within 30 days 4
All Deployments status for Specific Software Update Group 5
Deployment Detailed status for specific software Update deployment 6
Specific Software Update Deployment Failed Errors with Description 7
Deployment status for specific software Update deployments 8
All Software Updates Last Month deployments SLA and KPI Data status 8
Software Update Group Created, Modified or Deleted Properties 10
Software Update last month patch compliance report using Compliance Settings 11
All Software updates deployments status 11
All Software updates required deployments status within 30 days
Declare @PatchDeploymentsReportNeededDays as integer
Set @PatchDeploymentsReportNeededDays = 30 –Specify the Days
Vaa.AssignmentName as ‘DeploymentName’,
Right(Ds.CollectionName,3) as ‘Stage’,
‘Software Update’ as ‘PackageName’,
CASE when Vaa.DesiredConfigType = 1 Then ‘Install’ when vaa.DesiredConfigType = 2 Then ‘Uninstall’ Else ‘Others’ End as ‘DepType’,
Ds.CollectionName as ‘CollectionName’,
CASE when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 1 Then ‘Required’ when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 2 Then ‘Available’ End as ‘Purpose’,
Ds.DeploymentTime as ‘AvailableTime’,
Ds.EnforcementDeadline as ‘RequiredTime’,
Ds.NumberTotal as ‘Target’,
Ds.NumberSuccess as ‘Success’,
Ds.NumberInProgress as ‘Progress’,
Ds.NumberErrors as ‘Errors’,
Ds.NumberOther as ‘Others’,
Ds.NumberUnknown as ‘Unknown’,
case when (Ds.NumberSuccess = 0) or (Ds.NumberSuccess is null) Then ‘0’ Else (round(Ds.NumberSuccess/ convert (float,Ds.NumberTotal)*100,2)) End as ‘Success%’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.DeploymentTime, GetDate()) as ‘AvailableDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.EnforcementDeadline, GetDate()) as ‘RequiredDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.CreationTime, GetDate()) as ‘CreatedDays’,
Vaa.CreationTime as ‘CreationTime’,
Vaa.LastModificationTime as ‘LastModifiedTime’,
Vaa.LastModifiedBy as ‘LastModifiedBy’
from v_DeploymentSummary Ds
left join v_CIAssignment Vaa on Ds.AssignmentID = Vaa.AssignmentID
Where Ds.FeatureType = 5 and Ds.DeploymentIntent = 1
and Vaa.LastModificationTime > GETDATE()-@PatchDeploymentsReportNeededDays
order by Ds.DeploymentTime desc
All Software updates available deployments status within 30 days
Declare @PatchDeploymentsReportNeededDays as integer
Set @PatchDeploymentsReportNeededDays = 30 –Specify the Days
Vaa.AssignmentName as ‘DeploymentName’,
Right(Ds.CollectionName,3) as ‘Stage’,
‘Software Update’ as ‘PackageName’,
CASE when Vaa.DesiredConfigType = 1 Then ‘Install’ when vaa.DesiredConfigType = 2 Then ‘Uninstall’ Else ‘Others’ End as ‘DepType’,
Ds.CollectionName as ‘CollectionName’,
CASE when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 1 Then ‘Required’ when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 2 Then ‘Available’ End as ‘Purpose’,
Ds.DeploymentTime as ‘AvailableTime’,
Ds.EnforcementDeadline as ‘RequiredTime’,
Ds.NumberTotal as ‘Target’,
Ds.NumberSuccess as ‘Success’,
Ds.NumberInProgress as ‘Progress’,
Ds.NumberErrors as ‘Errors’,
Ds.NumberOther as ‘Others’,
Ds.NumberUnknown as ‘Unknown’,
case when (Ds.NumberSuccess = 0) or (Ds.NumberSuccess is null) Then ‘0’ Else (round(Ds.NumberSuccess/ convert (float,Ds.NumberTotal)*100,2)) End as ‘Success%’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.DeploymentTime, GetDate()) as ‘AvailableDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.EnforcementDeadline, GetDate()) as ‘RequiredDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.CreationTime, GetDate()) as ‘CreatedDays’,
Vaa.CreationTime as ‘CreationTime’,
Vaa.LastModificationTime as ‘LastModifiedTime’,
Vaa.LastModifiedBy as ‘LastModifiedBy’
from v_DeploymentSummary Ds
left join v_CIAssignment Vaa on Ds.AssignmentID = Vaa.AssignmentID
Where Ds.FeatureType = 5 and Ds.DeploymentIntent = 2
and Vaa.LastModificationTime > GETDATE()-@PatchDeploymentsReportNeededDays
order by Ds.DeploymentTime desc
All SCCM Server Software Update Sync status
SELECT US.SiteCode, S.ServerName, S.SiteName, US.ContentVersion, US.SyncTime, US.LastSyncState, US.LastSyncStateTime, US.LastErrorCode
FROM update_syncstatus US, v_Site S where US.SiteCode=S.SiteCode
All Software updates required deployments status within 5 days
Declare @CurrentDeploymentsReportNeededDays as integer
Set @CurrentDeploymentsReportNeededDays = 500 –Specify the Days
CONVERT(VARCHAR(11),GETDATE(),106) as ‘Date’,
Right(Ds.CollectionName,3) as ‘Stage’,
Vaa.AssignmentName as ‘DeploymentName’,
CASE when Vaa.DesiredConfigType = 1 Then ‘Install’ when vaa.DesiredConfigType = 2 Then ‘Uninstall’ Else ‘Others’ End as ‘DepType’,
Ds.CollectionName as ‘CollectionName’,
CASE when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 1 Then ‘Required’ when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 2 Then ‘Available’ End as ‘Purpose’,
Ds.DeploymentTime as ‘AvailableTime’,
Ds.EnforcementDeadline as ‘RequiredTime’,
Ds.NumberTotal as ‘Target’,
Ds.NumberSuccess as ‘Success’,
Ds.NumberInProgress as ‘Progress’,
Ds.NumberErrors as ‘Errors’,
Ds.NumberOther as ‘Others’,
Ds.NumberUnknown as ‘Unknown’,
case when (Ds.NumberSuccess = 0) or (Ds.NumberSuccess is null) Then ‘0’ Else (round(Ds.NumberSuccess/ convert (float,Ds.NumberTotal)*100,2)) End as ‘Success%’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.EnforcementDeadline, GetDate()) as ‘ReqDays’
from v_DeploymentSummary Ds
left join v_CIAssignment Vaa on Ds.AssignmentID = Vaa.AssignmentID
Where Ds.FeatureType = 5 and Ds.DeploymentIntent = 1
and DateDiff(D,Ds.EnforcementDeadline, GetDate()) between 0 and @CurrentDeploymentsReportNeededDays
and Ds.NumberTotal > 0
order by Ds.EnforcementDeadline desc
All Software updates deployments status within 30 days
Declare @PatchDeploymentsReportNeededDays as integer
Set @PatchDeploymentsReportNeededDays = 30 –Specify the Days
Vaa.AssignmentName as ‘DeploymentName’,
Right(Ds.CollectionName,3) as ‘Stage’,
‘Software Update’ as ‘PackageName’,
CASE when Vaa.DesiredConfigType = 1 Then ‘Install’ when vaa.DesiredConfigType = 2 Then ‘Uninstall’ Else ‘Others’ End as ‘DepType’,
Ds.CollectionName as ‘CollectionName’,
CASE when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 1 Then ‘Required’ when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 2 Then ‘Available’ End as ‘Purpose’,
Ds.DeploymentTime as ‘AvailableTime’,
Ds.EnforcementDeadline as ‘RequiredTime’,
Ds.NumberTotal as ‘Target’,
Ds.NumberSuccess as ‘Success’,
Ds.NumberInProgress as ‘Progress’,
Ds.NumberErrors as ‘Errors’,
Ds.NumberOther as ‘Others’,
Ds.NumberUnknown as ‘Unknown’,
case when (Ds.NumberSuccess = 0) or (Ds.NumberSuccess is null) Then ‘0’ Else (round(Ds.NumberSuccess/ convert (float,Ds.NumberTotal)*100,2)) End as ‘Success%’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.DeploymentTime, GetDate()) as ‘AvailableDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.EnforcementDeadline, GetDate()) as ‘RequiredDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.CreationTime, GetDate()) as ‘CreatedDays’,
Vaa.CreationTime as ‘CreationTime’,
Vaa.LastModificationTime as ‘LastModifiedTime’,
Vaa.LastModifiedBy as ‘LastModifiedBy’
from v_DeploymentSummary Ds
left join v_CIAssignment Vaa on Ds.AssignmentID = Vaa.AssignmentID
Where Ds.FeatureType = 5
and Vaa.LastModificationTime > GETDATE()-@PatchDeploymentsReportNeededDays
order by Ds.DeploymentTime desc
All Software updates deployments status within 30 days
Declare @PatchDeploymentsReportNeededDays as integer
Set @PatchDeploymentsReportNeededDays = 30 –Specify the Days
Vaa.AssignmentName as ‘DeploymentName’,
Ds.CollectionName as ‘CollectionName’,
CASE when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 1 Then ‘Required’ when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 2 Then ‘Available’ End as ‘Purpose’,
Ds.DeploymentTime as ‘AvailableTime’,
Ds.EnforcementDeadline as ‘RequiredTime’,
Ds.NumberTotal as ‘Target’,
Ds.NumberSuccess as ‘Success’,
Ds.NumberInProgress as ‘Progress’,
Ds.NumberErrors as ‘Errors’,
Ds.NumberOther as ‘Others’,
Ds.NumberUnknown as ‘Unknown’,
case when (Ds.NumberSuccess = 0) or (Ds.NumberSuccess is null) Then ‘0’ Else (round(Ds.NumberSuccess/ convert (float,Ds.NumberTotal)*100,2)) End as ‘Success%’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.DeploymentTime, GetDate()) as ‘AvailableDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.EnforcementDeadline, GetDate()) as ‘RequiredDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.CreationTime, GetDate()) as ‘CreatedDays’,
Vaa.CreationTime as ‘CreationTime’,
Vaa.LastModificationTime as ‘LastModifiedTime’,
Vaa.LastModifiedBy as ‘LastModifiedBy’
from v_DeploymentSummary Ds
left join v_CIAssignment Vaa on Ds.AssignmentID = Vaa.AssignmentID
Where Ds.FeatureType = 5
and Vaa.LastModificationTime > GETDATE()-@PatchDeploymentsReportNeededDays
order by Ds.DeploymentTime desc
All Deployments status for Specific Software Update Group
Declare @SoftwareUpdateGroupName as varchar(255)
Set @SoftwareUpdateGroupName = ‘All Updates SRWP2’ –Specify Software Update Group Name
Vaa.AssignmentName as ‘DeploymentName’,
Right(Ds.CollectionName,3) as ‘Stage’,
Li.Title as ‘SUGroupName’,
CASE when Vaa.DesiredConfigType = 1 Then ‘Install’ when vaa.DesiredConfigType = 2 Then ‘Uninstall’ Else ‘Others’ End as ‘DepType’,
Ds.CollectionName as ‘CollectionName’,
CASE when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 1 Then ‘Required’ when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 2 Then ‘Available’ End as ‘Purpose’,
Ds.DeploymentTime as ‘AvailableTime’,
Ds.EnforcementDeadline as ‘RequiredTime’,
Ds.NumberTotal as ‘Target’,
Ds.NumberSuccess as ‘Success’,
Ds.NumberInProgress as ‘Progress’,
Ds.NumberErrors as ‘Errors’,
Ds.NumberOther as ‘Others’,
Ds.NumberUnknown as ‘Unknown’,
case when (Ds.NumberSuccess = 0) or (Ds.NumberSuccess is null) Then ‘0’ Else (round(Ds.NumberSuccess/ convert (float,Ds.NumberTotal)*100,2)) End as ‘Success%’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.DeploymentTime, GetDate()) as ‘AvailableDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.EnforcementDeadline, GetDate()) as ‘RequiredDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.CreationTime, GetDate()) as ‘CreatedDays’,
Vaa.CreationTime as ‘CreationTime’,
Vaa.LastModificationTime as ‘LastModifiedTime’,
Vaa.LastModifiedBy as ‘LastModifiedBy’
from v_DeploymentSummary Ds
left join v_CIAssignment Vaa on Ds.AssignmentID = Vaa.AssignmentID
left join v_AuthListInfo LI on LI.ModelID = Ds.ModelID
Where Ds.FeatureType = 5
and Li.Title like @SoftwareUpdateGroupName
order by Ds.DeploymentTime desc
Deployment Detailed status for specific software Update deployment
Declare @DeploymentName as Varchar(255)
Set @DeploymentName = ‘SU WKS-All Production Computers’ — Specify Software update deployment name
a.Assignment_UniqueID as DeploymentID,
a.AssignmentName as DeploymentName,
a.StartTime as Available,
a.EnforcementDeadline as Deadline,
sn.StateName as LastEnforcementState,
wsus.LastErrorCode as ‘LasErrorCode’,
wsus.LastScanTime as ‘LastWSUSScan’,
DateDiff(D, wsus.LastScanTime, GetDate()) as ‘LastWSUSScan Age’,
DateDiff(D, wks.LastHwScan, GetDate()) as ‘LastHWScan Age’
from v_CIAssignment a
join v_AssignmentState_Combined assc on a.AssignmentID=assc.AssignmentID
join v_StateNames sn on assc.StateType = sn.TopicType and sn.StateID=isnull(assc.StateID,0)
join v_R_System vrs on vrs.ResourceID = assc.ResourceID
join v_GS_WORKSTATION_STATUS wks on wks.ResourceID = assc.ResourceID
join v_UpdateScanStatus wsus on wsus.ResourceID = assc.ResourceID
where a.AssignmentName = @DeploymentName
and assc.StateType in (300,301)
order by 11 desc
Specific Software Update Deployment Failed Errors with Description
Declare @DeploymentName as Varchar(255)
Set @DeploymentName = ‘SU WKS-All Production Computers’
Vrs.Name0 as ‘MachineName’,
Vrs.User_Name0 as ‘UserName’,
assc.LastEnforcementMessageTime as ‘LastEnforcementTime’,
assc.LastEnforcementErrorID&0x0000FFFF as ‘ErrorStatusID’,
isnull(master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(CONVERT(VARBINARY(8),CONVERT(int,assc.LastEnforcementErrorCode))), 0) as ‘ErrorCode’,
assc.LastEnforcementErrorCode as ‘ErrorCodeInt’,
Asi.MessageName as ‘MessageName’
from V_CIAssignment cia
join V_UpdateAssignmentStatus_Live assc on assc.AssignmentID = cia.AssignmentID
inner join v_AssignmentState_Combined Ac on Ac.ResourceID = assc.ResourceID
inner join V_AdvertisementStatusInformation Asi on Asi.MessageID = Ac.LastStatusMessageID
and isnull(assc.IsCompliant, 0) = 0
and assc.LastEnforcementMessageID in (6,9)
and assc.LastEnforcementErrorCode Not in (0)
join v_R_System Vrs on assc.ResourceID = Vrs.ResourceID and isnull (Vrs.Obsolete0,0) = 0
where cia.AssignmentName = @DeploymentName
Deployment status for specific software Update deployments
a.Assignment_UniqueID as DeploymentID,
a.AssignmentName as DeploymentName,
a.StartTime as Available,
a.EnforcementDeadline as Deadline,
sn.StateName as LastEnforcementState,
wsus.LastErrorCode as ‘LasErrorCode’,
wsus.LastScanTime as ‘LastWSUSScan’,
DateDiff(D, wsus.LastScanTime, GetDate()) as ‘LastWSUSScan Age’,
DateDiff(D, wks.LastHwScan, GetDate()) as ‘LastHWScan Age’
from v_CIAssignment a
join v_AssignmentState_Combined assc on a.AssignmentID=assc.AssignmentID
join v_StateNames sn on assc.StateType = sn.TopicType and sn.StateID=isnull(assc.StateID,0)
join v_R_System vrs on vrs.ResourceID = assc.ResourceID
join v_GS_WORKSTATION_STATUS wks on wks.ResourceID = assc.ResourceID
join v_UpdateScanStatus wsus on wsus.ResourceID = assc.ResourceID
where a.AssignmentName in (‘UpdateGroupDeploymentName1’, ‘ UpdateGroupDeploymentName 2’,
‘ UpdateGroupDeploymentName 3’)
and assc.StateType in (300,301)
order by 11 desc
All Software Updates Last Month deployments SLA and KPI Data status
Declare @PatchDeploymentsReportNeededMonths as integer
Set @PatchDeploymentsReportNeededMonths = 1 –Specify the no of Months
Vaa.AssignmentName as ‘DeploymentName’,
Right(Ds.CollectionName,3) as ‘Stage’,
‘Software Update’ as ‘PackageName’,
CASE when Vaa.DesiredConfigType = 1 Then ‘Install’ when vaa.DesiredConfigType = 2 Then ‘Uninstall’ Else ‘Others’ End as ‘DepType’,
Ds.CollectionName as ‘CollectionName’,
CASE when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 1 Then ‘Required’ when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 2 Then ‘Available’ End as ‘Purpose’,
Ds.DeploymentTime as ‘AvailableTime’,
Ds.EnforcementDeadline as ‘RequiredTime’,
Ds.NumberTotal as ‘Target’,
Ds.NumberSuccess as ‘Success’,
Ds.NumberInProgress as ‘Progress’,
Ds.NumberErrors as ‘Errors’,
Ds.NumberOther as ‘Others’,
Ds.NumberUnknown as ‘Unknown’,
case when (Ds.NumberSuccess = 0) or (Ds.NumberSuccess is null) Then ‘0’ Else (round(Ds.NumberSuccess/ convert (float,Ds.NumberTotal)*100,2)) End as ‘Success%’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.DeploymentTime, GetDate()) as ‘AvailableDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.EnforcementDeadline, GetDate()) as ‘RequiredDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.CreationTime, GetDate()) as ‘CreatedDays’,
Vaa.CreationTime as ‘CreationTime’,
Vaa.LastModificationTime as ‘LastModifiedTime’,
Vaa.LastModifiedBy as ‘LastModifiedBy’
from v_DeploymentSummary Ds
left join v_CIAssignment Vaa on Ds.AssignmentID = Vaa.AssignmentID
Where Ds.FeatureType = 5
and (DATEDIFF(m,Vaa.CreationTime, GETDATE()) = @PatchDeploymentsReportNeededMonths)
order by Ds.DeploymentTime desc
Software Update Group Created, Modified or Deleted Properties
rsm.MessageTypeString as ‘Type’,
rsm.Timestamp as ‘Date/Time’,
‘User « ‘ + rsm.InsStrValue1 + ‘ »‘ +
when rsm.MessageID = 30196 Then ‘ created updates assignment ‘
when rsm.MessageID = 30197 Then ‘ modified updates assignment ‘
when rsm.MessageID = 30198 Then ‘ deleted updates assignment ‘
when rsm.MessageID = 30219 Then ‘ created authorization list ‘
when rsm.MessageID = 30220 Then ‘ modified authorization list ‘
when rsm.MessageID = 30221 Then ‘ deleted authorization list ‘
+ rsm.InsStrValue2 + ‘ ‘ + rsm.InsStrValue3 + ‘ ‘ + rsm.InsStrValue4 as ‘Description’,
from v_Report_StatusMessageDetail rsm
left join v_CIAssignment cia on rsm.InsStrValue2 = cia.AssignmentID
where rsm.MessageID >= 30196 and rsm.MessageID <= 30198
or rsm.MessageID >= 30218 and rsm.MessageID <= 30221
order by 4 desc
Software Update last month patch compliance report using Compliance Settings
SET @StartDate = DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,GETDATE())-2,0)
SET @EndDate = DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,GETDATE())-1,0))
dbo.v_R_System.Name0 AS [Name],
v_LocalizedCIProperties_SiteLoc.DisplayName AS [BaselineName],
CAST(dbo.v_LocalizedCIProperties_SiteLoc.Description AS DATETIME) AS [BaselineDate],
OP.LastBootUpTime0 AS [LastBootUpTime],
DATEDIFF(Day, OP.LastBootUpTime0, GETDATE()) as [DaysSinceReboot]
INNER JOIN dbo.v_R_System ON v_R_System.ResourceID = dbo.v_BaselineTargetedComputers.ResourceID
INNER JOIN dbo.v_ConfigurationItems ON dbo.v_ConfigurationItems.CI_ID = v_BaselineTargetedComputers.CI_ID
INNER JOIN dbo.v_CICurrentComplianceStatus ON dbo.v_CICurrentComplianceStatus.CI_ID = dbo.v_ConfigurationItems.CI_ID AND
dbo.v_CICurrentComplianceStatus.ResourceID = dbo.v_BaselineTargetedComputers.ResourceID
INNER JOIN dbo.v_LocalizedCIProperties_SiteLoc ON dbo.v_LocalizedCIProperties_SiteLoc.CI_ID = dbo.v_ConfigurationItems.CI_ID
INNER JOIN dbo.v_CH_ClientSummary SUMMARY ON dbo.v_R_System.ResourceID = SUMMARY.ResourceID
LEFT JOIN dbo.v_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM OP ON dbo.v_R_System.ResourceID = OP.ResourceID
dbo.v_LocalizedCIProperties_SiteLoc.DisplayName LIKE ‘Windows Updates %’
and dbo.v_LocalizedCIProperties_SiteLoc.DisplayName LIKE ‘Windows Updates April%’
AND CAST(dbo.v_LocalizedCIProperties_SiteLoc.Description AS DATETIME) BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
ORDER BY dbo.v_R_System.Name0
All Software updates deployments status
Vaa.AssignmentName as ‘DeploymentName’,
Ds.CollectionName as ‘CollectionName’,
CASE when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 1 Then ‘Required’ when Ds.DeploymentIntent = 2 Then ‘Available’ End as ‘Purpose’,
Ds.DeploymentTime as ‘AvailableTime’,
Ds.EnforcementDeadline as ‘RequiredTime’,
Ds.NumberTotal as ‘Target’,
Ds.NumberSuccess as ‘Success’,
Ds.NumberInProgress as ‘Progress’,
Ds.NumberErrors as ‘Errors’,
Ds.NumberOther as ‘Others’,
Ds.NumberUnknown as ‘Unknown’,
case when (Ds.NumberSuccess = 0) or (Ds.NumberSuccess is null) Then ‘0’ Else (round(Ds.NumberSuccess/ convert (float,Ds.NumberTotal)*100,2)) End as ‘Success%’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.DeploymentTime, GetDate()) as ‘AvailableDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.EnforcementDeadline, GetDate()) as ‘RequiredDays’,
DateDiff(D,Ds.CreationTime, GetDate()) as ‘CreatedDays’,
Vaa.CreationTime as ‘CreationTime’,
Vaa.LastModificationTime as ‘LastModifiedTime’,
Vaa.LastModifiedBy as ‘LastModifiedBy’
from v_DeploymentSummary Ds
left join v_CIAssignment Vaa on Ds.AssignmentID = Vaa.AssignmentID
Where Ds.FeatureType = 5
order by Ds.DeploymentTime desc

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